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Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Arizona Immigration Law

April 26, 2012

Ewing Law Offices US Supreme Court The Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments from the U.S. Solicitor General, Donald Verrilli, and Paul Clement, representing Arizona, on Arizona’s controversial immigration laws. The Obama administration sued to block Arizona’s law, called SB1070, shortly after it passed two years ago, claiming that it interfered with federal authority over immigration.

Supreme Court justices questioned Verrilli closely about the government’s argument that Arizona cannot require police officers to ask about immigration status during stops. Chief Justice John Roberts went so far as to state, “It seems to me the federal government just doesn’t want to know who’s here illegally or not.” Justice Sonia Sotomayor, part of the court’s liberal wing, interrupted Verrilli to tell him she was “very confused” by his argument about why the state is not allowed to question people about their status. Justice Anthony Kennedy, generally the court’s swing vote, asked repeatedly about how long someone would be detained while a police officer checked his or her status. Clement replied that it would tank an average of only 11 minutes. Verrilli countered that it takes 70 minutes to get through the government databases.

Of note, Justice Elena Kagan recused herself from the case because she was solicitor general when the Obama administration filed the suit. If the Court split 4-4, the 9th Circuit’s decision enjoining four major provisions of the law would stand.

While it may seem that the Court was harsh on Verrilli, and is leaning toward voting in favor of Arizona, it is not uncommon for the justices to ask pointed questions which look to be poking holes in one side’s argument, only to have the vote turn out the other way.

Regardless of your own personal stance on immigration issues, or the Arizona law, it can be agreed that this case, as well as many other cases being heard by our Supreme Court this session, will be landmark decisions which will shape our legal landscape and the culture of our country for many years to come.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage

April 18, 2012

Ewing Law Offices Auto Accident Uninsured motorist coverage (“UM Coverage”) protects you and your family for injuries and damages caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver. While California law requires that we all purchase automobile liability insurance, the fact is that there are still many people on the road today without any insurance. Additionally, most of the insured drivers on the road carry the minimum libaility limits of $15,000. Unfortunately, if you are out of work for any period of time and/or have extended medical treatment your damages will quickly exceed the minimal $15,000 limit.

It is important to purchase as much UM coverage as possible, and UM coverage is relatively inexpensive. Most UM policies will cover you and your family for your injuries and damages that exceed the policy limits of the at-fault party. UM coverage may also cover you as a pedestrian or in hit-and-run situations.

However, it is important to note that under California law, your UM coverage will not apply if your UM policy does not exceed the liability policy of the at-fault driver. For example, if you have a $50,000 UM policy and the negligent driver has a $15,000 liability policy your coverage will apply if your damages exceed $15,000. However, if you have that same policy of $50,000 and the at-fault driver has a $50,000 liability policy, you may not be able to make a claim against your UM policy regardless of the amount of damages you suffered. Therefore it is very important to purchase as much UM coverage as possible to avoid this result.

I have seen many situataions where my clients recovered far less, or nothing at all, than they were entitled to because they did not have UM coverage or their UM coverage limits were too low. UM policies differ from one insurance company to another and may or may not apply in all the situations discussed above. I advise all my clients to contact their insurance agent about discussing the need to purchase and/or increase their UM policy limits.

Uninsured motorist coverage provides protection for you and your family against uninsired or underinsured drivers. It will provide you with the peace of mind that should you are in an automobile accient and suffer serious injuries, your bills and other damages will be covered regardless of the amount of insurance the at-fault driver carried. Depending on the laws of your state, the policy of the insurnace carrier, and the other types of insurance coverage you have, UM coverage may provide you with protection you may not otherwise have.

Erase Your Criminal Record

April 12, 2012

Having troEwing Law Offices Books and Gaveluble getting that job because of a DUI? Embarrassed by an old criminal conviction on your record? You may qualify to have your record expunged. Its quick, easy and inexpensive. Ask me how.

Welcome to the Ewing Law Offices blog …

April 12, 2012

Ewing Law Offices GavelWelcome to the Ewing Law Offices blog … come here to find information about the law.

Divorce? Child Support? Spousal Support? Restraining Order? … My Office can help.

April 12, 2012

Divorce and Family Law - Ewing Law Offices

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