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Bad Lawyers are No Joke

April 17, 2014

“We have all heard “lawyer jokes” and it is well known that if you want to hear a good one, ask a lawyer. Most of these jokes, while often getting laughs, do not place lawyers in a very good light. Like all professions there are good lawyers and bad lawyers. Unfortunately, like most professions, the stories of the bad ones seem to get the most attention. Until recently I never had the misfortune to have a first-hand experience with one of the really bad lawyers.


It started about 18 months ago when I was contacted by “Bruce” who had concerns about his injury case and the attorney he had trusted to help him. His case was a good one in that liability was clear, he had underwent multiple surgeries, his medical bills were approaching $500,000, and the defendant company had what appeared to be a considerable liability policy. The problem was that the case had been going on for over 3 years and Bruce was getting inconsistent and confusing communication from his attorney.


When I met with Bruce and saw the paperwork he had, I was immediately concerned. The statute of limitations had passed, and while his attorney had told him that the case had been filed I could find no evidence of this anywhere. Bruce retained my office. I immediately tried to contact his former attorney and got no response. My next call was to the insurance company for the defendant. After a few minutes on the phone with the insurance adjuster I was told that Bruce’s claim had settled over two years ago for less than $50,000.


After reviewing the copies of the signed release and cashed settlement check, which the adjuster was kind enough to send to my office, it was clear that these were forged by Bruce’s former attorney. Needless to say I was shocked and angered that an attorney would do this to a client. I also had the unfortunate experience of contacting Bruce and telling him the bad news.


Fast forward to today. I reported this attorney to the Bar. As it turns out this was not this attorney’s first brush with discipline by the Bar and he is on his way to losing his license for good. This attorney is also currently facing multiple felony charges and will likely be going to jail for these and other crimes committed against his clients.


Anyone, especially attorneys, reading this should be angered by this story. This attorney’s actions have irreparably injured a person who will never fully recover for his injuries, and harmed the reputation of all attorneys. I have done what I can for Isaac in getting some recovery for him, by ensuring that his former attorney will never practice law again, and by reporting his crimes to the District Attorney. Yet despite all my efforts neither I nor Bruce feel much satisfaction.


So the next time someone says, “Did you hear the one about the attorney who cheated his client?”, just remember that joke does not have a funny punch line.


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